Metrology sector is composed of three first level metrology laboratories. They are autorized by the Ministry of Defence for review of measuring equipment in the field of defence.
Metrology sector is also a calibration laboratory, accredited by the Accreditation Board of Serbia (ATS) according to SRPS ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard (Certificate no. 02-009).

The main task of the Metrology sector is carrying out defense system metrology support , providing metrology traceability, necessary precision and reliability of measuring in the process of research, development. Maintenance and exploitation of arms and military equipment.
Part of the sector’s free capacity is used for calibration of measuring equipment to users outside of the defence system.
The metrology sector of is one of the first accredited calibration laboratories in the country and with its competence, technical equip and work quality, it represent leader in the metrology field in Serbia.

Sector Laboratories are equipped with 25 primary military standards and other specific measuring equipment necessary for the calibration of secondary standards, labour standards and measuring equipment.
Metrological traceability of reference standards has been carried out according to our national standards, but also to the national standards of most developed countries in the field of metrology (USA, Russia, Germany and France).
In The metrology sector work experienced metrologists able to meet strictest customer requirements and application of modern standards and methods of calibration.Within itsresearch work, sector’s own forces conducted several systems for automated calibration of measuring equipment, realized modern methods of calibration and made calculations of measuring uncertainty for all applied methods. Researchers of the metrology sector have published over 100 papers in major national and international scientific and professional conferences in the field of metrology. Representatives of the Sector participate regularly in work of professional committee of Ministry of Defence, Direction of Measures and Precious Metals and Serbian Standardisation Institute when adopting regulations and standards in the field of metrology.

The metrology sector in addition to calibration of standards and measuring equipment in its laboratories, on request, performs calibration in the field. Sector has expert and qualified personnel to meet the strictest requirements in the field of metrology, so it performs metrology expertise, designing and equipping metrology laboratories, staff training and hold seminars in the field of metrology.
Development and cooperation with related metrology laboratories are the constant task of the metrology sector.
The metrology sector laboratories are:

- The primary metrology laboratories for basic electrical measures, the ML-01,
- The primary metrology laboratory for microwave and optoelectronic technics, the ML-02,
- The primary metrology laboratory for non-electrical measures, the ML-03.