Vehicle and river means sector is intended for testing armament A&ME and other technical resources in the area of vehicle engineering, engineering, process engineering, thermal engineering and naval means (ships, boats and their systems).
Sector is engaged in testing the following weapons and military equipment:
Vehicles (combat and non-combat vehicles, field cars, trailers, vehicles with upgrades and processing equipment for special intendant purposes and medical needs, as well as internal combustion engines),
- Engineering means (excavator, dozer, backhoe, tractors, compressors, pioneering equipment),
- River units means (combat and non-combatant vessels, systems on the vessels, ship tools, naval mines and mine arms and antimines weapons and equipment, diving equipment and systems for diving support and sailing facilities for users outside the Serbian army).
The main activity of the Sector’s is testing of the following assets/characteristics of A&ME:
- safety performance of vehicles (test run),
- a tow-dynamic characteristics (speed, acceleration, deceleration, traction force, expiration, etc..),
- functional test of breaking systems and performance of breaking systems,
- characteristics of steering systems,
- characteristics of an elastic suspension systems (own and forced oscillations),
- characteristics of mobility (mastering the natural and artificial obstacles, overcoming water obstacles: by antisurface gaz, underwater swimming and driving, geometrical parameters of mobility, etc..),
- characteristics of special vehicle tools (CRPV, winch, etc..),
- elektric measurement of mechanical characteristics,
- the total mass, mass distribution and center of mass measuring,
- noise of vehicles measuring, at rest and movement,
- internal noise measuring,
- measuring of environmental noise,
- force, pressure, shift, vibration, level of continuous signals, the level of impulsive sound, the sound spectrum measuring, and so on,
- testing of the basic characteristics of the engine (speed characteristics, the universal load characteristics, regulatory characteristics, thermal balance, mechanical efficiency, oil consumption, fuel consumption, etc..),
- drive safety and engine life testing,
- testing of the engine in extreme environmental conditions and its starting characteristics,
- testing the conditions and characteristics of engines and engine equipment in specific installation in the real conditions of exploitation of vehicles (engine, generator, etc..),
- testing of some motor systems and equipment (cooling system, engine fuel supply system, engine air supply system, lubrication systems, preheating systems, etc..),
- testing of heating systems, ventilation and air conditioning of vehicles and facilities and assessment of their comfort,
- testing of aerodynamic characteristics and other characteristics of ventilation and filtroventilation devices in a ventilation system and the system for the NBC protection,
- testing of the entire means and systems that includes the area of process engineering and thermodynamics (mobile kitchens, bakeries, water tanks, etc..)
- testing equipment and fire protection systems,
- testing of individual thermal processes such as baking, burning, boiling, drying and so on.,
- testing the thermal insulation of vehicles, components and devices,
- testing of combat, non-combatant and other vessels,
- testing of vessels for customers outside of the Serbian army,
- testing diving equipment (except clothing and footwear), and diving support systems (Decompression chamber, diving bell and so on.)
- testing station for ship magnetism control and other physical fields of the ship,
- testing radar, radar detectors, navigation devices, communication links and signalization means,
- propeller absorbed power,
- torsion vibration of axle lines,
- maneuvering characteristics of ships,
- linear vibration forces, machines and equipment,
- torque ship propulsion machinery,
- insulation resistance of generator, electromotor and cable route
- rpm of rotating parts and components,
- intensity of light,
- the amount of gas flow,
- temperature,
- characteristics of current and voltage.